4th Judicial DA Logo

4th Judicial
District Attorney

4th Judicial District Attorney - Michael J. Allen



The 4th Judicial District Attorney’s Office was established in 1876, when the first legislature to convene carved out a 4th Judicial District from the three that had existed since Colorado became a territory in 1861. Initially, the 4th Judicial District was enormous in geographic scope, encompassing 12 of the state’s original 26 counties. With the constant growth of the state’s population, and the eventual addition of 18 more judicial districts, the 4th District has gradually been pared down to its present geographic dimension, consisting of El Paso and Teller counties with a joint population of 723,000.

Since its inception, 28 elected District Attorneys, hundreds of lawyers, and thousands of support staff have conducted the business of prosecuting violations of the state’s criminal code within the district. The problems faced by the office have changed from labor unrest to street gangs. The capital crimes have changed from cattle rustling to heinous murders. But, throughout the 145 year history of the District Attorney’s Office, its employees and volunteers have done a remarkable job representing the people of the State of Colorado.